
Latest Past Events


St Anne's Community Centre Hardwick Square West, Buxton

Over 65? Join us for Kurling every fortnight on a Thursday morning from 10.30 - 12 noon at St Anne’s Parish Centre, Hardwick Square, Buxton.


Tea, Talk and Tech at Victoria Court, Matlock

DE4 3QB Victoria Court, Springfield Rise, Matlock

Tea, Talk and Tech helps people to get connected online in an informal way over a cup of tea!  We work with local people to demystify technology. We work with people both in their own homes and in community hubs. Our Mission Our mission is to connect people within the community by helping them get online. Why technology? Technology connects people with loved ones, helps them meet new people, or explore new opportunities and experiences.  It can also positively benefit mental and physical health, and tackle depression and loneliness. Will it cost me anything? Sessions are free to attend.


Tea, Talk and Tech at the Dining Room, Wirksworth

The Dining Room Waltham House, St Johns Street, Wirksworth

Tea, Talk and Tech helps people to get connected online in an informal way over a cup of tea!  We work with local people to demystify technology. We work with people both in their own homes and in community hubs. Our Mission Our mission is to connect people within the community by helping them get online. Why technology? Technology connects people with loved ones, helps them meet new people, or explore new opportunities and experiences.  It can also positively benefit mental and physical health, and tackle depression and loneliness. Will it cost me anything? Sessions are free to attend.
