
Help Kick Out Mental Health Stigma!

Each year the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) marks 10th of September as World Suicide Prevention Day. This is an opportunity for communities to come together to raise awareness of suicide prevention, tackle the stigma that prevents people from seeking help when in distress, and support and signpost people in need to sources of support. We will also be sharing a tool kit of resources around WSPD and Suicide Prevention closer to the time.

More info here World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

Covid-19 and the cost of living issues have had a significant impact on the mental wellbeing of everyone, but some have experienced more significant changes in circumstances which affect mental wellbeing.  The opportunity to again raise awareness and offer support to people is more important than ever.

Our idea this year is to again link in with a range of football clubs across our county. As per the last few years we are linking with Chesterfield FC, Alfreton Town, Belper Town, Matlock Town and Sheffield FC.

May we seek your support with the opportunity to volunteer at one or more of the matches?  We’re looking for around 30 volunteers for the Chesterfield match and around 8 for each of the other non-league matches.

  • We’ll be meeting around 1.5 hours ahead of the matches.
  • Your role as a volunteer will be raising awareness with fans arriving at the match by engaging them in conversation and handing out leaflets. This is mainly done before the match and our experience is that the majority of fans really engage with this message.
  • You will receive free access to the respective match (if you want to)
  • Each match will have support from someone clinical and support from a local charity (e.g. Samaritans)

Could you complete the Microsoft Forms link to confirm which match(es) you would like to volunteer at?

     Link –   

If you have any questions please contact