Having set up in response to the pandemic in March 2020 Buxton Street by Street Coordinators supported over 300 volunteers to help the community come through the pandemic and lockdown safely. Beginning as helpers offering support to neighbours and the wider community through delivering food parcels to people in need of extra help, and parents home schooling, BSbS then partnered with Connex Community Support in October 2020 and with their support went from strength to strength.
Over the two years BSbS and Connex have continued to help neighbours in lockdown and support schools and home schooling, as well as support the medical centres with volunteer car park marshals at the vaccine clinic; help people at home get online; supported the creation of The Breadline, and delivered several events offering advice around wellbeing and the impacts of lockdown on the communities mental wellbeing.
Whilst The Breadline continues, the befriending and neighbour support has been rolled into Connex overall services, and the COVID-19 pandemic support has now ended, and fingers crossed, won’t be needed again!
Anna, Claire and Caitlin, and everyone at Connex, would very much like to extend sincere thanks to all the volunteers, supermarkets, statutory bodies, supporters and funders for everything you have done to help the community of Buxton throughout the pandemic. In fact we wanted to thank people so much we held an event to do so!
Thank you Buxton!